Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hydrangea Vase

The hydrangeas in my yard are in full bloom right now.  These are Annabelle hydrangeas I cut from the front yard.  At first I only had hydrangeas in this arrangement but then it dawned on me that Mahonia berries would be the perfect accent!  I also used Soloman's seal for some greenery.

Oh, and I found the vase at the flea market.  I love the classic shape and ribbed sides and it goes so perfectly with hydrangeas.  Oooh la la!


  1. oooooh! i love the "oregon grapes"! mahonia fondly reminds me of cameron park. i never would have thought to cut it for an arrangement. it complements your hydrangeas perfectly. beautiful.

  2. were the berries also from your yard? Are they edible? I've never heard of mahonia berries.

  3. Yup, the berries are from the yard. I'm not sure about eating them though. If George hasn't eaten them already I doubt it.
