Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mariachi Poppy

The past three months have been challenging, but I'm back! After two of my next door neighbor's houses burned down,50 illustrations and copy for a new book, an infected tooth (& extraction), a Thanksgiving trip to Rochester, and a nasty case of the flu, I am finally starting to feel normal again and I have lots to blog about!

This January my Dad is turning 70 and I did this invitation for his party. He has been really into karaoke lately and we often find him wandering around his house singing and strumming the toy guitars of his grandchildren. We are going to have a Mexican singer at his party too so I put him in a cute mariachi outfit.

Check back soon because there is a back log of blogs!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vanessa,
    We were wondering what happened to you. It sounds like a lot! I love your new book and I recognized your dad immediately on the invitation. Well done!
    We are leaving tomorrow (Dec. 17) for PA for a week. Wish us luck. We may not see you guys until the new year. Hope you're feeling better.

