Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spring Grove Beech Tree Sketch

My friend Christina and I walked at Spring Grove Monday and we stopped and sketched at one of my favorite spots.  I decided to sketch this beech tree because I love all of its gnarly bumps and ridges.  The bare lump and the folds surrounding it reminded me of an elephant knee.  Christina sketched the incredible fall color below.  You can see her awesome sketch here.

I have been trying to loosen up my sketching and watercolor a bit and I would like to take it even farther.  I am so inspired by the sketches of Marc Taro Homes... they are amazing the way they are detailed and loose at the same time. I guess if I aspire to improve I need to practice, practice, practice.  I wouldn't even have brought my sketchbook if it hadn't been for Christina.  She is good about prodding me to sketch but I am always torn between photographing and sketching.  I suppose both are possible and they support each other, so hopefully I will be posting more sketches soon. 

1 comment:

  1. I love how the gnarled tree sketch turned out. Amazing link; I had not seen Marc's sketches before. Wow!
