Monday, February 18, 2013

Hotel Grano de Oro

Our final night we stayed at the Hotel Grano de Oro in San Jose.  It's an interesting old building that has been restored with modern touches.  This hotel was a bit of a splurge and I was disappointed we weren't able to spend more time here.  We arrived late afternoon and left early the next morning but at least we were able to eat in the beautiful restaurant in the courtyard (see below).

This trip was certainly a different side of Costa Rica than I had seen before (a more luxurious side).  I loved seeing tropical interior design in the places we stayed and being spoiled by rainfall showerheads.  But there is always a part of me that enjoys trudging in mud to the top of my boots and getting soaked by rainfalls from the great showerheads in the sky above.  I guess roughing it and luxury both have their perks, it's all in your perspective.   

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