Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Vintage Metal Hooks

If you follow this blog you know that I have a thing for rusty metal objects.  Last spring my mom and I went to the Springfield Antique Extravaganza and guess what I found right off the bat?  Vintage Metal Hooks!  Sometimes when I find heavy metal objects I am forced to carry them around with me until my shoulder hurts.  But luckily we found these when we were still close to the car.

When I saw them I tried to resist but I just couldn't turn away from the gorgeous orange of the large hook.  And then I saw the cute red hook...and then the silver hook had old red paint on it that matched the red hook...and the shape of the dark metal one reminded me of a swan!  This is how my mind works.  But if I am truthful I knew I was hooked the minute I saw the weathered orange metal.    

And I love to imagine the person who designed these hooks.  Who was that person who took the time to choose their shape and think about their purpose and how much weight they could carry?  They probably didn't know a girl would one day find them and marvel at their incredible beauty and bring them home to photograph from every angle.  It's so much fun to find these treasures at the antique show and this coming weekend is another extravaganza.  I will try and restrain myself from purchasing more heavy metal but I cannot make any promises...will keep you posted.     


  1. So gorgeous!! I love when the functional is also the beautiful. Lovely lovely photos, as always!!!
