Monday, March 30, 2015

Birding Journal on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!

Last week I was so excited to find out my book, "Birding Journal: Through the Seasons" was on Tina Fey's new show, "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"!  Earlier in the week my friend Christina emailed me she saw my book on the show.  I assumed it was in the background somewhere.  Then the next day my friend Margot emailed me this photo and I couldn't believe it...front and center!  In the scene Ellie Kemper (who plays Kimmy) is trying to prove how nerdy her employer's step-daughter is and she holds up the book and says something like, "Look, she even has a waterproof birding journal."  It is probably in the scene for five to ten seconds.

I had heard good things about the show but I don't have Netflix.  However, I am going to my Dad's for a week where I plan on binge watching the whole show.  If any of you watch the show keep an eye out for it in Episode 10 at 21:40!

1 comment:

  1. I saw the show already, but I didn't realize you were the author! Have fun with your binge watching; it's a great show! Ann
